Quick Links

  • Information on safety on Study in Australia : Safety – Study in Australia 
  • Information on safety with Think Before :Think Before – Meet George We would like you to meet George; he is an international student studying in Australia. George is the face of a new safety campaign called Think Before and he stars in his very own animation and can speak 14 languages. George also has a website
  • Information on Student Safety in Victoria by Victoria Police Website  

Acumen understands and believes that the safety of the students is paramount and it reflects in every policy and procedure that acumen enforces.  Acumen provides committed support to its students and makes sure that there is no stone unturned in regards to any queries regarding the students safety. Students undergo an extensive induction session which in which safety is highly prioritised. 

Safety 3

Although Melbourne ranks highest among major cities in the world in terms of liveability, students are urged to place a lot of substance on their health, safety and wellbeing at any given time.

In our efforts to enforce safety we have listed all the emergency contacts that a students might need  at times of mishap or any event .

We have compiled a list of emergency contacts, support services and safety tips to ensure you have the best possible experience while you’re here in Melbourne.

Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade – 000

In an emergency contact Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance by dialing Zero Zero Zero.

The operator will ask for your name and address and other details of the emergency situation. This call is free of charge but should be used only in an emergency.

If you require non-urgent advice or information or need to report a non-urgent matter, like lost property, you should attend or call the local Police Station. Contact details for your local Police Station can be found at the Victoria Police website

  • Police: 000
  • Fire: 000
  • Ambulance: 000
  • Richmond Police Station: 8420 3600
  • State Emergency Services (SES): 9696 6111
  • EPA: 9628 5777
  • Poisons Information Center: 13 11 26
  • Interpreter: 13 14 50

 Some helpful tips to stay safe:

  • Whenever possible travel in groups. Risk is created by travelling alone, especially at night
  • Safety1

  • Always tell someone where you are going, and when you expect to return
  • Check public transport timetables in advance to avoid long waits, especially at night
  • Walk in well lit areas even if it means your trip is longer. Avoid short cuts through dark isolated areas.
  • Follow any security guidelines provided by acumen
  • Avoid giving personal information to strangers
  • Lock doors and windows before you leave your house or apartment
  • Be careful when using automatic teller machines (ATMs) and put your cash away quickly