Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

We offer a wide range of high quality Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses.

Providing Quality Services to Students

We understand that choosing to study overseas is a life changing decision, which is challenging. Acumen Education assures you of Quality education in your chosen field. Acumen and its education agents have a responsibility to provide ethical and accurate advice and services to all its prospective students.

Education providers are required under Australian laws to undertake a range of due diligence measures to ensure quality practices. The Education Services for Overseas Student Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000) and ESOS Regulations 2001 and subsequent Amendments,as well as the National Code 2007 are the legislative instruments which set out obligations of the education provider to ensure quality practices when promoting courses of study for prospective students.

Information for Education Agents

Acumen appoints education agents who are qualified to counsel students in relation to our Courses. If you wish to apply to become an agent, please express your interest by Downloading Forms.   

The process involves completion of an Agent Application Form, referee checks and other due diligence assessments, such as an interview and a check on qualifications and training. An Agent Agreement and a Certificate of Appointment will be made for successful applications.

Our Agents