The guide below lists public transport information to our campuses

Melbourne’s public transport is the easiest and best way to get around the city.

Trams, trains and buses

Buy a Myki smartcard for flexible travel between trains, trams and buses. You’ll be able to use public transport in and around the city for just a few hours or all day.

Plan your trip, buy or top up your Myki card online and download maps and timetables from Public Transport Victoria, the one stop shop for information about travelling on public transport (phone 1800 800 007).

Using public transport

International students need to purchase a full-fare mykit smart card to travel on trains, trams and buses in Melbourne.
All three campus of Acumen are in in Zone 1.

Public transport Victoria Trains

Public transport Victoria – Trains

Where can I buy my mykitm?

Fares and Fines

Make sure you always have sufficient funds on your myki card.
Substantial fines apply for fare evaders.

How Much will it Cost ?

Save time

Plan your journey or memorize the timetable so that you are not waiting for too long.

PTV has useful resources; a Journey Planner and Tram Tracker.

Public transport maps

Public transport Victoria - Trams - Acumen Institute

Public transport Victoria – Trams

City Circle Tram

The City Circle Tram is a free service around central Melbourne taking passengers past some of Melbourne’s major attractions. Visit Public Transport Victoria for timetables and a route map.

Bike Share

Bike sharing is a great way to get around the city as an alternative to driving. It’s also healthier and more sustainable.

The first ten docking locations of the Melbourne Bike Share scheme are now available, with 100 bikes in service and more to come.

 Tips to remember

  • You need to buy a myki card to use public transport
  • You should always pay your fare to avoid a fine
  • You can save time by using online tools like Journey Planner and Tram Tracker

How to Get to : North Richmond Station (Richmond Campus)

Train:  North Richmond Railway Station

Richmond Campus: 5-9 Elizabeth ST, Richmond

Tram: iconTram 19-North Richmond – Victoria St