What is credit transfer?
The granting of exemption or credit by acumen education to students for units of competency completed under accredited training. This unit must match the units that you are applying for credit.
If you have studied and successful completed a unit of competency that is a part of the current qualification that they are enrolled in can apply for a credit transfer. The unit you have studies should exactly match the unit you are applying for a credit transfer. An application to obtain a credit transfer bust be made to acumen education to get the course credit. The application should be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents.
All documentary evidence of training, including Certificates/Diplomas, Statement of Results and Statement of Attainment provided must be original, or certified documents and must be signed and sealed by the issuing Australian RTO.
Once the Credit transfer application is submitted and received by Acumen the application will be checked and verified to ensure that all details of the applicant, course and units of competency, evidence are correct. Acumen will endeavour to inform you of the outcome within ten (10) working days of receiving the application.
You can download the application for Credit Transfer form.