Communication and feedback
Know and identify the prime channels acumen education uses to communicate with you and how you can respond back to acumen education.

How Acumen education communicates with you
The primary channels Acumen education uses to communicate with you are:
• Announcements on
• your email ,
• your registered postal address.
• Your student support officer might call you to discuss your course progress or similar issues

Ways to communicate with Acumen education
Choose the right channel depending on the nature of your communication.

Academic and general feedback

During the year, feedback on acumen educations courses and your student experience will be actively sought via student surveys.

Acumen education aims to provide a positive experience for all students and is committed to resolving student complaints. Please speak to your student support officer provide your feedback on any issue. If it is not resolved at that instance you can escalate it to speak to the admin manager or can lodge a written complaint using the complaint and appeals form at the helpdesk.

Academic Enquiry
When you have an academic enquiry please speak to your trainer in the class or after the class. You can even speak to the student support officer to book a time slot with your trainer based on the availability of the trainer to make your enquiry.