Welcome to the first newsletter in the financial year 2013-2014.
The last year has been a very productive year in terms of the enrollments at acumen education as well as the experience that we have gained at acumen in all aspects of the business. We would like to thank you for the effort and look forward for a similar if not better participation this year and years to come.
We would like to bring to your notice that acumen accepts enrollments on a rotating timetable basis and you can refer the students to acumen at any given time of the year and the student will be enrolled in the closest unit start date for the qualification he is looking to get enrolled in.
Please be advised of the courses we offer at acumen, their duration and the promotional fees
BSB50207 – Diploma of Business – 30 Weeks – Tuition fees: $3300 + Enrollment Fee: $200 [/list] We have updated the agent manual last month and have sent you a copy. If you have not been able to update yourself with the content of the manual you can have a look at it at your convenience on the acumen website. The manual contains several legislative requirements that you need to follow as a representative of acumen education to recruit students for us in an effective and ethical manner. Kindly give us your feedback on the document as we at acumen believe there is always place for improvement and we receive any suggestions with an open mind. We have also updated our Application Form V4.0 and the new application form can be downloaded from our website. Kindly discard any old versions of the hard copies you may currently have. We would also like you to make sure that the application form is filled and signed in its entirety before forwarding it to acumen as it will save time and effort both for our admin department and you as our agent. We at acumen are constantly working to improve all aspects of our business process for providing quality education to our students and to place robust systems which improve persistently based on the feedback that we acquire from all that are involved in the operation. You, as a representative of acumen education play a pivotal role in the operation and your feedback is highly regarded. Please download the FB13 Agents FeedBack form, Kindly fill in the feedback form and help us stay on the path of continuous improvement which will make it a healthier experience for you to work alongside acumen education. Please use admissions@acumen.edu.au for all enrollment/ admissions related Queries and use crc@acumen.edu.au for sending in feedbacks.