Fee Payment Options

Fee Payment options are listed below and also it is available on the bottom of the invoice.

  • If you are looking for detailed information about the costs involved to study at acumen, visit our comprehensive Fees page.
Directdeposit Direct Deposit: Please visit your local ANZ branch to pay by cash, cheque and EFTPOS. Banking detail can be found on this page, alternatively the same information can be found on your offer letter or invoice. It is important to provide the enrolment details or deposit evidence for identification purpose.
mail Pay By Mail: Original cheques, bank drafts and money orders can be mailed to Acumen Education. Please provide student enrolment detail with the payment. Cheque title can be made out as following: Acumen Education Pty Ltd. Cheques require 3 working days to clear.
Fee Payment Options Telegraphic Transfer: Please refer to your offer letter or invoice for amount. The banking information can be found (below) on this page. Transfer/remittance evidence and student enrolment detail must be provided in email or in person at reception for identification purpose.
credit card Credit Card: In person or Over the Phone
Payment with the Credit Card that does not belong to the student, SRF4 Credit Card Payment Authorisation form must be signed by the card holder. Acumen Educations Account Information

Note: New Students who have not yet commenced the course, Please Deposit money into the bank account with your name as reference

Please forward tuition payment to:

Account Name: Acumen Education Pty Ltd.
Bank: ANZ Bank
BSB No.: 013-412 Account No.: 4509 46215
Bank address: ANZ Banking Group Ltd, 287 Bridge Rd, Richmond, VIC 3121
Swift Code: ANZBAU3M
  • Payment with the Credit Card that does not belong to the student, SRF4 Credit Card Authorisation  must be signed by the card holder.
  • Pay as per your Payment Plan to avoid any late fee charges.
  • All payments must be received with your reference either Your Complete Name or Your student ID number at acumen.